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Most popular cars of the last decade

‌‌I wasn’t expecting a dramatic mix up in the list of best selling cars in the US in the past 10 years. But I thought there might at least be a bit of close competition for the top two or three spots. How wrong I was. I present to you what is possibly the least varied list in history.

3 Simple Ways to Care for Your Car Tires

‌Functional tires play a crucial role in the effective operation of a sound car but very often they are the underdogs when it comes to the overall car maintenance. 

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How to Change Your Oil

Learning how to change your oil at home is an easy DIY task that will save you a trip to your local dealership or mechanic, as well as some dollars. And trust us, you’ll feel empowered and will get that extra pep in your step, after realizing you know how to operate and take care of your vehicle better.